Friday, October 8, 2010

kidz hq

Kids are so lucky these days as many play areas are sprouting up. Today we tried this one in Wyong as suggested by one of Mummy's friends.

Most of these places have different sections for different age groups but naturally our little friend prefers to go where the big boys go.

Here he climbs up two flights almost two storeys high. However, the lucky boy has some pretty girl looking out for him.

Then he slides down what looks like a slope that's too steep for a 2 year old. Mummy was at the bottom ready to catch/grab him. This video was taken on his 6th go after Mummy feels confident he's got the whole balance thing sorted.

Then when he's had enough of the adrenaline-pumping stuff, he goes for the maze rollercoaster and plays for a long time. Look at the concentration on his face!

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