Friday, December 26, 2008

hello mummy!

Yes I'm waving at Mummy at Costa Coffee in Mercato while Daddy does some last minute Christmas shopping.

you know what i did this christmas?

Went to a pub for the first time on Christmas Eve; it's called St. Andrew's Victorian Snug. Actually we sat outside by the pool while Mummy and Daddy had 5 Kilkennys between them and I just had my usual :)

On Christmas Day we visited Uncle Adel and Aunty Qing. They have the prettiest Christmas tree! I got presents from them too. After that we adjourned to Uncle Robert's and Aunty Remi's and I got more presents!

my 1st christmas was a blast!


I received 23 presents!!! Thank you everyone!!
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

bonding with mummy

Mother and son had a relaxing foot spa over the weekend :) tree

My 2nd attempt at having a photo taken with the Christmas tree was much more amicable. Mummy tells me that there are 38 presents under the tree when the photo was taken...I hope they're all mine!!

shopping lah!

Hugh enjoys going out and going out usually means to the malls in Dubai.

He's been to the Mall of Emirates with Mummy......

and Godma Ilka ......

and to Dubai Mall with Uncle Toon.

vroom vroom!


This car seat is my first Christmas present from Daddy & Mummy. I guess they wanna give me a headstart in the auto department.
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Sunday, December 14, 2008

white christmas

The weather has changed; it has even rained here a few times this month. Since the temperature has plummetted to the low 20's mummy has dressed Hugh up like we live in Finland.

santa's little helper

A big THANK YOU to the Loves and Buckleys for my new outfit!

Maybe by helping Santa, I can make up for me being so naughty and get some presents!

P.S. Rivers, Thank you for the other new outfit you gave me. I like it very much and will model it for you soon!


bad habits no. 3

Not sharing his beer with daddy

bad habits no. 2

Too much time on the playstation

habits of a life time

Hugh is picking up some bad habits - too much TV

Thursday, December 11, 2008

boxing, you think?

Daddy and Mummy have been toying with the idea of enrolling Hugh at the Tennis Academy but this photo tells us otherwise. Hmmmmmm......

night owl


In the beginning, Daddy bought a book called The Contented Little Baby. It's supposed to help put Hugh in a sleep routine allowing Mummy & Daddy to sleep better at night as well. The night part wasn't so hard, what's difficult was keeping little bub awake during the day! We'd sing 5 Little Monkeys, play the Wiggles DVD, hold him upright, bounce him up and down; anything we could think of but if His Highness wants to sleep, he'd do it anyway.

So, in the end we gave up and pretty much let our instincts guide us - both Hugh's and ours. Some days work out better than others but Hugh seems happier now unless colic strikes again. Of course, there are still days when chaos reign like here... the little cheeky bugger beaming away... at midnight :)
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Saturday, December 6, 2008

look ma, I can flap my arms!

This is my happy place...even for a moment. Mum and Dad usually put me here for timeout or when they're preparing my bath. I also get my massage here and usually get a good kick too; somehow prefering to do so in the cot than on the playmat. I'm not sure why but I'm really fascinated by this musical mobile which was a gift from Aunty Joanna. It keeps me happy and active for some reason.
Muchos gracias, SeƱorita Joanna!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

woahhhh...what's this big green thing?

Hugh doesn't seem to like the Christmas tree and hasn't realised he's already got a present from Santa...the first and only present inder the tree.

big boy!

Hugh turns 3 months today! He is 55cm long and weighs 5.6kg

nice day out


Brought Hugh to Safa Park and he's more awake second time around... listening to the birds and feeling the cool breeze...ahhh!
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