Tuesday, November 18, 2008

colic or just a whiney boy?


The last week has seen Hugh whining and throwing tantrums. He has been exhausting Mummy & Daddy. (perhaps Mummy more) Some days he'll cry for no apparent reasons and others he'll wail whenever he's not picked up and it's so heartbreaking to see those teary eyes.

This photo captured a rare occasion when he could entertain himself for a while but Mummy is running out of ideas to soothe her sooki baby. We hope it's colic...then at least there's light at the end of the crying tunnel.
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Monday, November 10, 2008

drinking & driving?


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winter dubailand

Winter in Dubai is certainly mild compared to other parts of the world but in Hugh's world, the bedroom is helluva lot colder than outside. Seems the "recommended" bedroom temperature for babies found in some websites is 16C-20C and Mummy thinks that's craziness because that's brrrrrrrr!

Whatever the case, Hugh has enough thick clothing to brave it albeit with Mummy monitoring the thermometer.

Monday, November 3, 2008

just chillin'


Don't be fooled by the photos. Hugh doesn't like the bouncer that much. In fact he kinda hates it. The longest he can stay quietly on it is probably 10 minutes. We haven't quite figured out why; seating posture, uncomfortable fabric or plainly short attention span? Any ideas?
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the grim gripper


We've always known that Hugh's got a good grip since the early days. He would grab your finger real tight and you need to pry his fingers open for him to let go. However, he's grabbing more stuff lately: Daddy's T-shirt (seen here), chest hair, Mummy's hair and glasses.

He's also recently head-butted Mummy and karate-chopped Daddy! What next- arm wrestle?
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