Monday, March 30, 2009

an old friend visits

Aunty Simone and Keanu visits for the first time since we returned from Singapore.

The 2 boys try to sit still for the camera. When I say try, I mean the 2 mummies try to make them sit still :)

Relaxing on the playmat.

drive thru meal

McDonald's and KFC have Drive Thru service here....and apparently so do we :)

Hugh enjoyed his new-found freedom by zipping around in his walker. When Daddy held up his milk bottle though... he would just move towards it and have a drink!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


1st attempt at capturing his tooth...

2nd attempt...

3rd attempt...

4th attempt...

Success at last!

Friday, March 27, 2009

go triceratops!

These days kids won't be asking for toy ponies any more.... they want something more fun!

behind the wheel

We believe Hugh's all ready to drive.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

hugh in a box

Despite having many toys and games, he seems to enjoy being in this box that used to house a printer/ copier most:)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

tooth spotted!

Today Nana discovered Hugh's tooth. The crown of the lower right incisor has barely broken through the gum but it's there all right! Woo-hoo!!!!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

super messy!

When Daddy does the feeding....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

hot wheels!

They may be made of plastic and measrure 2 inches in diamenter but these wheels surely enable little Hughie to happily zip around the apartment albeit backwards :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

hugh "meets" the president

We were hoping that Hugh might have a chance to meet the President of Singapore when he visited Dubai but unfortunately the overwhelming crowd prevented us from getting near him.

All's not lost though as he got a kiss from Aunty Joanna instead about which he seemed happy anyway.

Friday, March 20, 2009

happy birthday daddy!

Hugh gives Daddy a birthday card but Daddy has to pry them off his grasp :) Here are the before and after photos of the card and envelope!

strange & unpleasant encounter

Today we encountered Cruella de Vil in the flesh at Spinneys Mercato albeit she was blonde (Fake no doubt!) and underwent numerous facelifts.

She was infront of us at the checkout line and while her groceries were being scanned, she was peering through her Chanel glasses at Mummy and her stroller and finally said curtly, "You had better not push that thing against me as you know I'm gonna push it right back!"

Wait a minute... does she not see the cute little baby inside the stroller??? What a %$#@&^#!!@ mental case! Of course Mummy wouldn't let her get away with it and called her a 'lonely sad old lady like Cruella de Vil' to her face!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

shopping for new toys!

After picking daddy up from work, we all went to BabyShop to get a few new stuff for Hugh. We ended up getting a high chair, walker and a "Bump n Go Alien" battery operated toy that moves around making a lot of noise...yeah that should be fun!

ready for summer!

As the temperatures begin to rise in March, bub's all ready for summer by dressing up in a surf team outfit. Ok, next he'll need surfing lessons :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

chow time!

Indeed...the eating force is strong with this one!
Started with rice cereal and apple, banana & vegetable puree he has.
Pears, you're next!

Monday, March 16, 2009

rolling back and forth now!

Yup, he's rolling forwards and backwards now! Clever boy!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

raw beauty

Who says only pregnant actresses look good naked?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

black friday

Many people believe bad or spooky things happen on Friday the 13th... furthermore the hype is elevated by the horror movie with the same name.

Today, Hugh got his first bump when Mummy tried to feed him his bottle at Times Square. He hit his left eyebrow on the table and gave a good cry the next 10 minutes. This was the day Mummy had dreaded would happen because he loves to swing around while he's being carried and many times he would arch backward too. That's the reason why strangers aren't really allowed to nurse him.

Sorry sweetie! It hurts Mummy just as much if not more :( and all daddy could say was, "I'm sure glad it wasn't me!"

Thursday, March 12, 2009

squeaky, squeak, squeak!

Daddy introduced the balloons to Hugh and he's been rubbing them with his feet making the annoying sound!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

goofing around...

is Hugh's favourite thing to do.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Mummy and Hugh brought Nana to the posh Atlantis Hotel for lunch and the valet was a shocking Dhs 150! Fortunately it could be validated at the restaurant.

The hotel had a huge aquarium with a whale shark in it!

We met Joanna andher mum & bro there.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

shopping with nana

Hugh brought Nana to a beautiful nearby mall on Jumeirah Road called Mercato.

nana visits

Nana has come for a visit and she and Hugh are already getting along fine.

6 months & 100th post!!!

Today marks Hugh's halfway point to being a year old! This is also the 100th post in the blog :) Writing about Hugh and his progress and his adventures has been so easy the words just flow; Mummy only wishes it was just as smooth when she writes for work!

Many first's have occurred and Hugh has developed so quickly one wouldn't have believed he was a premie. He has also outgrown a number of outfits and a pair of shoes! His latest fetish is grabbing his feet and blowing raspberries! The latter might have been an influence by Daddy and Godma Ilka.