Thursday, September 4, 2008

what's in a name?

Hugh Nanxing Love

Born 3rd September 11:58 pm
Being called Love is not an easy thing through childhood as Andy recalls, be ready to be teased all through School.
The Chinese name Nanxing means "Southern Star". We chose it because you come from Australian stock.
Nanxing can also be written in Chinese as Difficult Gorilla which Daddy thinks you'll like when you're older (Mummy disagrees and regrets ever telling Daddy)
Gorillas are good talismans, as they are strong and gentle , which is an admirable thing to be.
We are also having some problems with Hugh as no-one can pronounce it here in Dubai.
"Woooooo" (Hugh) "La" (Love) announces the nurse over the P.A. when you went to have your Bilirubin checked at the hospital. He's also been called "Huge" and "Hug"!
However Hugh means 'bright in mind and spirit' and that is what we hope you will be when you grow up.
Lastly as the Beatles said : "All you need is love"

Hugh Nanxing Love ; Welcome to the world and please don't blame Daddy and Mummy too much about your name.

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